Friday, June 17, 2011

Baby's first kiss

Ivy just gave her first kiss tonight. It was so sweet. But... it wasn't to me. It wasn't to daddy, or Lorelei or even a kitty. It was to... wait for it... a Sunflower.

How did this happen? Well... every night we go for a short walk as part of our bed time routine. 3 houses down from ours the sidewalk ends. The street doesn't stop but the sidewalk dead ends. about 15 feet before that there is a big jerusalem artichoke with multiple flowers on it (they look like sunflowers, hence the plant's other name Sunchoke) in the grass along the sidewalk. Every night Lorelei stops and says hi to the flowers, then runs to the end of the sidewalk, then back to the sunflowers. Then she kisses them good night and we go back home and read a bed time story.

Tonight Ivy ran up to the flowers, grabbed at them, pulled one up to her face and kissed it, smacking noise and all! I think it was one of the cutest things I have ever witnessed.

Really though Ivy... a sunflower? What about your mama?

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