Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Of sleeping and infants

This morning I was thinking, it is amazing how much of a king sized bed a 9 month old baby can take up if she puts her mind to it. She took over all of my half of the bed this morning after her morning feeding. I moved to my husbands side after he got up for work, and then heard my toddler chattering and realized I needed to check on her. Snoozing away, the baby seemed unlikely to wake up too soon.

A little bit later, in the middle of some morning toddler crazies (worse than usual, Christmas seems to have upset her routine some) I heard Ivy cry from the bedroom. She sounded mad, so I ran back there thinking -- oh my God, I forgot about her and she fell off the bed (after crawling over the pillow fort I set up around her I guess).

Once in the bedroom I stared at the bed (no baby) looked down at the floor (no baby) just to realize she was ON the nightstand, and was only crying and angry because she had knocked over my water glass and was now soaking wet. Plus she had no more room to maneuver and was stuck there. No more unattended parent bed slumber for her!

If only I had a camera at that moment...

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