Saturday, April 5, 2014

Cereal Talk

Morning cereal talk, over Froot Loops April 5 2014
Lorelei (5.5) What flavors are these? The orange is orange. The blue is blueberry. The red is cherry. The green is.... I don't know what the green is
Me: I think the green is Lime 
Ivy (4): Green bean! The green is Green Bean!
Lorelei: I don't think that's it. Maybe it IS lime.
Ivy: I'm pretty sure it's green bean.

Some morning cute, March 26th: 

Ivy: "I dreamed about dancing macaronis!!"
Lorelei: "Macaronis?"

March 17th
First time I've caught Lorelei slipping the wrong word.

She seems preoccupied. me: "Would you like bagel sandwiches or regular bread for lunch"

lorelei: "Regular blood. I mean bread" 
Me: "what where you thinking about?"
Lorelei (giggling): "I'm really not sure mama."

February 27th, 2014
On the way to school Ivy was telling me about a dream she had: 

"Bats and owls came and took our car!! And they drove us to school! And you were in that seat (points at passanger seat) and we went to school and they came in with us and then Miss Elsie (teacher) said 'GO AWAY! you bats and owls GO HOME' She yelled it.

So then they bats and owls go back in the car and you did too and they drove the car home. And then they went back to their home"