Friday, January 14, 2011

The trouble with toddlers..

One issue we are having with having a toddler and a 9 month old, is that it is tricky to keep inapropriate toys away from the newly crawling baby. 

This morning I caught Ivy crawling down the hallway with a (toy! luckily!) knife. She looked so proud of herself, I wonder what she was setting out to butcher?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nap time troubles

Every time Ivy falls asleep on me now, I quietly gently place her in her crib and tuck her in. She'll smack her lips quietly and stay asleep for about 10 minutes at which point she wakes up...
 FURIOUS that I DARE place her in her crib. 

If I go get her she will cuddle up and nurse for another 30 minutes or more, and still not let me put her down. This is getting tiring, exhausting, and cranky-mommy-making. Right now I am stopping myself from getting her because I am pretty sure she just turned over in her sleep and is mad about it, and will go back to sleep, but it definitely woke her sister up from her nap. This two kids sleep thing is troublesome!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Doing the math-- the dishes

Today I timed myself emptying the dishwasher and drainer (my husband gets handwash duty)
it took 7 minutes to empty the washer and drainer (without toddler help)

So I decided to do the math on this...

7 minutes a day, approximately 1 load a day (some days there are two, some days none. I think it evens out)

7x365= 2555 minutes

2555/60= 42.58333 hours per year

Close to two days of dish putting away per year.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

good news

Well hey, I have some good news today...

I'm not pregnant!

I mean, I didn't really think I was, but I've been feeling a little weird and it makes me paranoid. I've been exhausted, my stomach has been feeling a bit tender, and my moods have been weird, plus I've been starving all the time. Enough to make a girl worry at least.

But nope!

I seem to remember moments of that sort of worry while I was still nursing Lorelei too, and I think it's from me hormones fluctuating while the baby is starting to eat solids.

Ahhhhhh (that's my HUGE sigh of relief)
I don't know if I'd survive 3 under 4!

Medical Mysteries...

Today Lorelei has been chasing around Baku, one of our cats and putting a computer mouse on him saying

"I wanna fix his blood plessure"

"OK I'm going to fix your blood plessure"

"OK you can go home now!"

Then she put the cord of the mouse over her neck like doctors do with stethoscopes, and gave the cat a big hug.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Ever feel like you have too many balls up in the air? I do right now... with the 2 girls, 2 Etsy shops, a personal blog, a 365 project blog, a budding photography business (with it's own blog).... and somehow I'm needing hours more sleep than usual.

Wow. Some balls are getting dropped around here.