Today my one year old bit me.
Nothing that unusual really, or even that painful. Just a startling moment when I said ouch while talking to my mom on the phone. But my double take came a moment later when my mom said "serves you right."
Now, she has heard me exclaim several times when one baby or the other tested their little teeth on parts of me, usually my shoulder, but she has never said that.
We have talked about biting and she told me the only time I ever bit her is a time that I actually remember.
I was 3 or maybe 4 and taking a shower with her. I remember dozing off in the tub, chewing on a wash cloth, dreaming, and then remember her yelling at me that I bit her and leaving me in the bathroom to dry myself.
When we have spoken about it since, she insists I was wide awake and says somehow I managed to bite her hysterectomy scar, which was very tender.
What I don't understand is how she STILL guilts me about something I did, by accident, as a toddler/young child.
I guess the only thing I can do is take away from it the idea that I never want to do that to my own children. Sure, tease about something done as a young child, in the vein of "Hey, did I ever tell you about that time you used your poop to fingerpaint the crib?" but guilt? for something done as a child? Nope.