Lorelei has gotten to the age where sometimes she won't settle down to eat and keeps pulling away over and over again. But it makes me cherish the times when she does calm down even more.
When she was first born, for the first few days every time she nursed I would drift off into a nap while she ate. It left me feeling detached from reality, willing to savor those first moments with her, and willing to totally ignore the existence of time in order to keep my sanity. I spent large amounts of my day laying with her cuddled up to me, nursing or simply napping when she finished and had fallen asleep. Even more time was spent with her curled up on my chest sleeping because in the mornings she wanted to continue the cuddles long beyond breakfast and I entertained myself with hours of recorded television and re-reading books.

Now she wants to explore her world and needs to have a change of environment to stay happy so we go out at least once every day. She seems overwhelmed by the stimulation of this world she lives in and hardly ever naps on my chest anymore- she usually has to be put in her room with a white noise machine or taken for a walk around the block to tire her out. At least a few times a day, however, I have my cuddly drifting to sleep baby still. We lay in bed or on the couch half asleep, her little hands totally still for once and I bask in the moment.